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Litigation Team - Unbundling Service for Clients 

Unbundling, also known as limited scope representation, is a method of legal representation, the utilisation of which means that legal assistance is provided under a limited retainer. This is opposed to the use of a traditional full retainer where a solicitor would deal with all matters anticipated from initial instruction until the conclusion of a case, thus proving to be a more economical option. 


Unbundled legal services have gained traction in recent years as a response to the rising demand for affordable legal assistance. As expectations for flexible, cost-effective solutions are evolving, an increasing number of clients are opting for unbundled services to tackle their litigation matters. 


There are several different levels that unbundling can operate on, including:

 checking or drafting documents.

 providing advice about a specific step/s. 

 providing clients with necessary information for them to proceed with further steps without further support. 


As the matter would remain client-led, the client could potentially avoid incurring extra costs, for example in the case of disbursements. 


What does this mean for you? 


Unbundled services provide an accessible route to the justice system for those that may otherwise be hindered by their financial position. Selective engagement of a solicitor can lead to significant savings in costs and ensures that the process remains client-led, and tailored to the needs of each individual. This approach can bridge the gap between no representation and full representation, enabling clients to receive essential legal support when filing a claim, or responding to one. 


At Buxton Coates Solicitors, we provide unbundled legal services for various litigation matters. Please contact our litigation team at or alternatively call 0330 088 2275 for more information.


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