Buxton Coates Solicitors | Dental HR | Temple Point, Bullerthorpe Lane, Colton, Leeds LS15 9JL, UK
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Buxton Coates Solicitors Dental Lawyers

For Business,
For Healthcare,
For You.

Buxton Coates Solicitors are a full service independent law firm providing bespoke legal solutions to businesses and the healthcare sector.


Our specialist teams embrace new and dynamic ways of offering legal services focusing on absolute transparency on fees and a high level of prompt and efficient service tailor made to you and your needs.


Offering a range of services, including an employment subscription service (Oracle) to ensure all employment and HR issues are correctly dealt with in any business, the expert legal teams from Buxton Coates Solicitors offer sound practical advice every step of the way.

A fresh + dynamic approach to legal services, from a team who really care.

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Our experienced team provides advice to clients across the commercial and healthcare sectors with many of our instructions coming from referrals from long standing clients and industry contacts.

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